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Benefits Of Sponsorship

Why Should You Consider Sponsoring An Event?

Sponsorship gets you a solid return on investment. You get to approach your target audience, increase your sales and get a list of leads to follow up afterwards. Event sponsorship is a deal with a lot of benefits. Moreover, it shows how active you are in the market and also you set a benchmark with your presence.

Pre-Conference Awareness

Your sponsorship benefits start months before the conference does and include an ad in the IAED Journal of Emergency Dispatch which is delivered to 81,000+ members worldwide, your website link and logo listed on the NAVIGATOR website, and a special sponsor "Thank You" on our social media platforms, which see over 49,000 views annually. 

Weeks Before Conference

In the weeks before NAVIGATOR starts, sponsorship benefits will include an email we send to our attendees notifying them of your sponsorship status, recognition in the NAVIGATOR mobile app, special sponsor even social media posts highlighting your company, and we can provide your hashtags and any social media links to our followers if provided. 

During Navigator Awareness

During the conference, awareness of your brand will be promoted through a static slide of sponsors before the keynote speaker during both General Sessions, sponsor recognition printed on event signage, lead-retrieval through our integrated app, and social media posts for any event you sponsor. 


After NAVIGATOR, benefits of sponsorship include access to our lead-retrieval app, another dedicated "Thank you" social media post for your support of the conference, a network of new contacts and organizations to work with in the future, and access to our attendee lists. 

Get to know decision-makers from all over the country as they look for resources to improve their agencies, no matter the size of their center, the area they serve, or which emergency service they dispatch for.

NAVIGATOR attendees have reported that 24.6% of them have over 21 years of experience in the comm. center, 32.5% of them have between 11 and 20 years of experience, 20.1% of them have between 6 and 10 years of experience, and 19.3% have between 1 and 5 years of experience. 39% of NAVIGATOR attendees have reported that they are in a leadership position. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Pre-Conference Marketing
Company logo on conference website
Company logo on all conference communications
Featured post on NAVIGATOR social media platforms
Registered attendee list30 days out14 days out--
Conference Access
Exhibitor Passes6541
3-day Conference Passports21--
Onsite Marketing
Logo on sponsorship banner
Logo/link on conference app or onsite guide
Conference session guarantee (Sponsor Track)
Collateral item in attendee registration bag
Featured post on NAVIGATOR social media from show
General Session stage pre-roll or logo slide
General Session Hall---
Conference Access
Booth space20' x 20'10’ x 30’ non-premium or 10’ x 20’ premium10’ x 20’10’ x 10’
Lead Retrieval System App Downloads3211
Emphasis in Expo Hall map
NAVIGATOR Sponsorship Exclusives
Option on NAVIGATOR Exclusives a la carte opportunitiesFirst Option Second OptionThird OptionThird Option
Post-Conference Marketing
Logo/link in attendee thank you email
Featured post on NAVIGATOR social media platforms
IAED Co-Marketing
One (1) ad inserts in Journal of Emergency Dispatch
One guest booking on Dispatch in Depth podcast

NAVIGATOR Exclusives: Branding Opportunities

As a sponsor, you will have exclusive access to NAVIGATOR branding opportunities to put your logo on items such as a NAVIGATOR social media post, a printed insert given to all attendees, the attendee bag, registration banners, hotel room keycards, a pre-conference email blast, our conference lanyards, the photo booth, tea and coffee breaks, box lunches, the opening or closing keynote, comm. center tours, escalator ads, the Exhibit Hall Opening Gala Reception, the ACE party, the Attendee Party, an IAED Award, and/or the Exhibit Hall Breakfast. 


Bag Insert

Registration Banners

Pre-Conference Workshop

Registration Banners

Room Keycards

Pre-Conference E-Blast


Tea & Coffee Breaks

Photo Booth

Box Lunches

Closing Keynote

Comm Center Tours*

Escalator Ads*

Exhibit Hall Gala

Attendee Bag

Ace Party

Attendee Party

Opening Keynote

IAED Awards

Exhibit Hall Breakfast

Please contact Sponsor Services at navigator@emergencydispatch.orgfor terms and details on a la carte opportunities. *Please note that existing commitments will be honored on a first-rights basis and per availability.


Please direct questions regarding exhibitor registration to navigator@emergencydispatch.org


110 South Regent Street, 8th Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84111 USA
(800) 960-6236 Toll free (USA)
(888) 725-5853
(801) 359-0996 Fax

Our office hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (MST) Monday-Friday

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